Perceptions, stories

Leap for Mirages

AAAHHHHHH!! You are so impossible sometimes! God! I’m merely putting my opinion forward. That is why you asked me this question, wasn’t it? Yeah, yeah! But I value your opinion and now that I know it is against what I want, it sucks! Well, it is still your call. No, this whole plan is down… Continue reading Leap for Mirages

childhood, Perceptions, stories


Two years had passed. Our kid-hero was in the 7th standard now. It was the Geography class, boring as usual. To top the boring lecture was the sun beating down on the old classroom windows, making the fans pointless and the class a burning furnace. Everyone was eyeing the period bell to ring. There was… Continue reading A BORN COWARD- Part 2

Perceptions, stories


There he sat, second last seat of the second row from the left wall of the classroom. It was exam day, meaning he was to be seated with a 4-year senior, class 9th student, for the examination duration. He was a rather quiet lad who talked non-stop in front of his parents. Today, he was… Continue reading A BORN COWARD

Perceptions, stories

“The very liberty you gave to your son is the reason for your sadness, Puja.” Puja’s heart sank. Maybe she had got it all wrong. Her gaze went down. Her mind was suddenly filled with many questions. Questions of self-doubt. Reet continued, “You need to set boundaries. You tell the kid what to do and… Continue reading


You must Believe.

Someone asked me yesterday, “What is God?” I said, “God is belief.” That actually is one of the most apt description of God anyways. Humans, much like animals, have the power to believe. They can choose to place their belief in various things which then goes on to shape their lives. If not paid attention… Continue reading You must Believe.

Perceptions, stories

Stating VS Discussing

Three friends, on a road trip in a car, were trying to figure the best way to reach their destination. First friend: "My friend was on this trip last year, I am telling you route 2 is best and quickest!" Second friend: "Boy! That was last year! They have opened that new flyover for public… Continue reading Stating VS Discussing